Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Healing updates - 1-2 weeks post-op

The past week has been a bit of a healing rollercoaster. My beautifully perfect line of stitches between the base of my penis and the vaginal opening has transformed into an oozing mess, but my doctor reassures me that it's normal. There are three layers of stitches, and at least one layer (the outermost) has popped open in a few locations.

Having all the time in the world and freaking out about every little thing has been frustrating and stressful for me, so I've been doing a lot of research on wound healing - knowledge is power! Normally, surgical wounds heal through primary intention - this is when skin is brought together by sutures and the edges fuse together over time. This is what my body was attempting to do, until those stitches came undone for whatever reason. Now there is a combination of primary and secondary intention healing happening. Secondary intention healing is when the wound heals from the inside out, with new tissue filling in and granulating. This type of healing takes a little bit longer and frankly, looks really disgusting.

THE GOOD PART: Looking at my junk when I'm sitting or standing, everything looks fine - my cock is beautiful and wonderful and everything I could have hoped for. The stitches on the underside of my dick are looking great, the head is healing perfectly, and the swelling has gone down significantly. The bruising is entirely gone, I've stopped icing, and I don't need any kind of pain meds anymore...

13 days post-op, standing view

13 days post-op, a different standing view

13 days post-op, side view

13 days post-op, side view with mons pulled back

13 days post-op, foreskin pulled back showing head

THE NOT-SO-GOOD PART: ...But then when I spread my legs, it's a different story. The sutures between the base of my penis and the vaginal opening are where all of the problems lie right now. I'll let the pictures below speak for themselves. I know that "everything will be alright in the end," but when I really look up-close at what's going on, I freak out a little. My doctor says to give it time, that healing by secondary intention is actually quite successful. She says that in a week or two, things will look very different. Apparently, the best thing to do is nothing. Well, I'm not very good at doing nothing. But I take deep breaths, bide my time, keep applying neosporin a few times a day, and try not to poke around down there.

13 days post-op, deflated nut sack (I kinda liked it better when it was swollen, LOL)

13 days post-op, secondary intention healing in a few places (shiny looking because of the ointment)

13 days post-op - Underside of dick is looking good!

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